Saturday, April 5, 2014

~ scad day ~

Today I got to see the Savannah College of Art and Design, and let me tell you, there was a lot to see!  Since the campus is pretty much in the heart of downtown Savannah, touring the campus was basically getting a historical education as well.  Not only does this college offer many interesting majors, but everyone I spoke to was nice, informative, passionate about what they're doing, and reassured me that my life goals are not impossible - something that was very refreshing!

The photography building was incredible - super sleek and modern with amazing resources (large format printers, a HUGE darkroom, and students can rent the highest quality equipment!)

{I fell in love with this camera!}

I didn't get many pictures in the production design building, but believe me when I say it was AMAZING.

And look who I found in one of costume studios!

I also got to go on a tour with my friend Alex, who is an evening wear designer at SCAD - I've modeled for her several times and her designs are spectacular!  Remember her name because I know she's gonna make it big!

After exploring around, mommy and I grabbed lunch from the SCAD International Festival in Forsyth Park.


My interests have kind of shifted through the years.  Just a few years ago I was seriously considering fashion or costume design, when I was really little I wanted to be a doctor, but now I've decided on photography and production design.  Since I'm completely fascinated with historical costumes and their use in film and television, I figure why not combine the two, and that seems to fall in the broad category of production design and (possibly) art history.  So for now, I'm exploring all of my options and remaining open to anything that interests me!

Thank you so much to my wonderful mommy for being just as excited and interested in the campus as I was (and bearing with me through 6 hours of exploring darkrooms, massive costume rooms, walking blocks and blocks, and talking to an incredibly attractive admissions advisor)!  Today would have been really super weird if you hadn't been there.

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