Monday, October 13, 2014

~ unplanned weekend ~

What I planned to do this weekend: Go to a beekeeper's picnic with my mom, go to a festival downtown, see a movie, bake cookies, go for a run.

What I did this weekend: get sick, watch Gilmore Girls on repeat, consume lots of tea and kale salad, do homework, and wear pajamas all day every day.

But I also ate a really good breakfast on Saturday:

Snuggled with kittens:

Found my weekend mantra:

And took several really good naps.

When I was little, getting sick meant feeling sorry for myself, eating buttered rice and toast with jam, sleeping all day, and watching Arthur during the hours I was awake.  But unfortunately, getting sick when you're an adult (yuck), means carrying on as normal - writing emails, doing homework, submitting assignments, cooking, etc. - but taking the occasional break to nap, use your inhaler, watch Masterpiece Mystery, and eat pancakes.

And to tell you the truth, as long as I've got pancakes and kittens, being sick on the weekend isn't so bad after all.


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