Friday, December 14, 2012

The Holidays....

Tonight is the 7th night of Chanukah.  I am 17.  Ones and sevens are two of my favorite numbers, so as expected, tonight was very meaningful.  I am realizing some things in my old age (haha!).  I do not like confrontation and hatred: I like hot baths, Starbuck's soy lattes, red lipstick and spending time with those I love.  I like cats - even when they bite me for no reason at all - and I like kindness.  I've also learned that I cannot change people: I can only change how I react to them.  This is a major turning point for me.

Some things I'm grateful for tonight: I'm grateful for watching David Letterman with my wonderful Mommy after having latkes with my lovely sister.  I'm grateful for my new "It's Gonna Be Okay" journal and for the warm cat on my lap.  I'm thankful for kind people doing amazing things and kind people doing simply ordinary things (sometimes the ordinary things are the most important).  I'm thankful for this roof over my head and the opportunities that have come into my life and I'm excited for those that are yet to come.

Now time for the holiday part of this post!

Today's outfit| cranberries| tuscan blood orange candle 

One of my Chanukah gifts: Grace Coddington's memoir - SO good!

 (slightly burnt) Ice-Box cookies - yummy!

     And finally (no pun intended, I swear), a bit of encouragement from Ryan Gosling - don't mind if I do!

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