Sunday, September 7, 2014

~ day to night ~

My daily ritual is as follows:
Wake up.  Eat breakfast.  Drink tea.  Get dressed (some variation of jeans and a striped shirt).  Go to class/go to work.  Come home.  Change into yoga pants and t-shirt.  Do homework/edit photos.  Eat dinner.  Watch netflix.  Go to bed.

But because I'm very bored of this, I'm making a conscious effort to do things differently - I mean, there's no way I can avoid work, school, breakfast, or netflix, but the yoga pants and t-shirt can definitely be traded in.  Instead of immediately changing clothes when I get home, or wearing jeans for a night out, Friday I switched things up a bit by challenging myself to wear the same piece day and night and style it two different ways.

Went to class, ran errands, came home and studied.

{F21 top, vintage skirt, gap ballet flats}

Went to a play, got donuts afterwards.

{F21 top, gap pencil skirt, gap ballet flats, target bag}

It's nice to step outside of your comfort zone once in a while!  

And while you're outside your comfort zone, make sure you grab some donuts for breakfast.  

You'll be happy you did.


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