Tales of I Love Lucy and strep throat...

Greetings - I never thought that strep throat could make someone feel so crummy. I woke up yesterday morning with the worst sore throat and headache that I'm ever had in my life. Why did it have to happen now? I have two solid weeks of Nutcracker rehearsals and classes and I had to get sick now. One good thing about being sick is getting to lay in bed and watch unlimited episodes of I Love Lucy.

I've found an amazing new blog that I think everyone needs to see. Here's the link - http://glamourdaze.blogspot.com/

I've also found some really cool vintage photos and ads that I'll be posting throughout the week.

I'll post more later!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Top Hat!

Greetings - Man I've been busy - birthdays, parties, ballet, shopping and eating. It's also my favorite time during Nutcracker rehearsals (when we get our costumes)! Halloween was really fun also. My costume was successful and I actually trick - or - treated in high heels! And my feet put up with the pain for almost three hours ( my feet are used to point shoes, so high heels felt like nothing)!

For my birthday (Nov. 1) my mom gave me a set of four Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies! I've been watching them all the time and I can't thank her enough! My sister isn't too pleased though. My first TV obsession was I Love Lucy, then Seinfeld and now FA and GR movies. My latest music obsession is Nelly McKay (Normal As Blueberry Pie : A tribute to Doris Day). She has the perfect CD out now and it was also a birthday present! Most of the songs are actually from the 40's or 50's. Another present was The Martha Stewart Encyclopedia of Crafts!

My sister gave me an awesome book of photos taken by artist and blogger Scott Schuman. He takes pictures of random people on the streets of New York, London, Paris and Milan and other fashionable places. It's a must have for anyone interested in fashion photography.

I'll post more later - Bonsoir!