Greetings - Sorry I haven't written in a while. I'm, once again, really really busy with rehearsals. My sister is home from from Spain so I've been listening to her stories and looking at her pictures! She got home last night at about 7 (which felt like 1 in the morning to her) and then she got up at 6:30 this morning to go to work! I can't believe that she actually went! It seems like a year since we dropped her off at the airport. It's hard to believe that it's only been three weeks! I'll post some of her pictures soon. At every meal in Spain, they were served fresh olives and wine!
Well, when I woke up this morning it was about 59 degrees. It's officially fall! Tomorrow will be a month until my birthday and I already feel a year older. I'm planning to visit France when I graduate from high school, so I'll already planning where in France I'll visit. It'll be an all girl trip which will be wonderful!!!! I can't wait to go!
I'll write more tomorrow! Bonsoir!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Greetings - Well here I am, eating a dark chocolate Snickers bar, waiting for the new Ken Burn's documentary to start. There's not a better way to fill your spare time, than with blogging and eating. Today I played volleyball at out neighborhood pool. And my Mom and I cleaned up my sister's room for her return home. I can't believe that she comes home in 2 days - the three weeks have flown past. We're all curious as to see whether she has any tattoos and or piercings!
I hate it when there are 2 season premieres on one night that you want to see. Especially when they're at the same time!
I have to go because one of the two is about to start - I'll post some more later!
I hate it when there are 2 season premieres on one night that you want to see. Especially when they're at the same time!
I have to go because one of the two is about to start - I'll post some more later!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Follow The Fleet!
Greetings - I'm watching the best Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers movie EVER - Follow The Fleet ( note the title of this post!). There's something about their movies that are just so darn good, and if you've never seen one then shame on you!! I'm obsessed with all of the costumes (the men's and the women's) and it desperately makes me feel like I was born in the wrong decade. Am I the only one who feels like that? Sometimes I'll dress like I'm from the forties and walk around dusting the house in a vintage apron and hostess pajamas! And if you don't believe me, ask my mom (or any neighbors who happen to see me!). I'll post more later!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Busy night
Greetings - Today my mom and I were going to head down to the coast to have lunch at our favorite restaurant. When we got down there, there was a big sign on the door that said "CLOSED" even though they're web site said that they were open for lunch. 3 hours of driving for nothing - oh well. At least it was a pretty drive.
I probably won't get around to posting anything later tonight because I have 11/2 hours of ballet class and 11/2 hours of rehearsal. Ballet, ballet, ballet. It's a good thing I love dancing!
When I woke up this morning it felt cold out side - I looked at the thermometer and it was 87 degrees! Welcome to my world.
If I'm not entirely exhausted when I come home from ballet I might post some more, but until then - Au revoir!
I probably won't get around to posting anything later tonight because I have 11/2 hours of ballet class and 11/2 hours of rehearsal. Ballet, ballet, ballet. It's a good thing I love dancing!
When I woke up this morning it felt cold out side - I looked at the thermometer and it was 87 degrees! Welcome to my world.
If I'm not entirely exhausted when I come home from ballet I might post some more, but until then - Au revoir!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Greetings - Sorry I haven't posted anything in the last couple of days. It's been a really hectic week for me. My ballet company is doing the nutcracker, so I've been tied down with rehearsals, classes and not to mention school! My sister comes home from Barcelona next Tuesday, so we're enjoying the last few days of quiet.
Well, fall is a upon us and so are the various allergies. This morning I woke up feeling like someone had filled my lungs with teddy bear stuffing. Ahhh, what a...lovely...feeling.
My Grandfather (who we all call Pop) is about to have his 90th birthday! And just a couple of weeks ago he quit his job at the golf course (he didn't get paid with money - he got paid in free golf games!). He's the kind of grandfather who can be on a bed at the hospital after having a heart attack and get up and do an Irish jig the next day while in his hospital gown (which believe it or not he actually did about 2 or 3 years ago). It seems like every time we think that he's as funny as he can get, he somehow ups the level.
Last night my mom and I went to see the one-night-only HD version of The Wizard of Oz! And I didn't even get creeped out by the flying monkeys or the talking apple trees - amazing! The Wizard of Oz is one of those movies that you could watch 100 times and see something that you hadn't noticed before every time you watch it. And did you know that the tornado was made out of a nylon stocking? Weird.
I'm gonna go and eat some lunch now - I'll post more later! There's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home........................................
Well, fall is a upon us and so are the various allergies. This morning I woke up feeling like someone had filled my lungs with teddy bear stuffing. Ahhh, what a...lovely...feeling.
My Grandfather (who we all call Pop) is about to have his 90th birthday! And just a couple of weeks ago he quit his job at the golf course (he didn't get paid with money - he got paid in free golf games!). He's the kind of grandfather who can be on a bed at the hospital after having a heart attack and get up and do an Irish jig the next day while in his hospital gown (which believe it or not he actually did about 2 or 3 years ago). It seems like every time we think that he's as funny as he can get, he somehow ups the level.
Last night my mom and I went to see the one-night-only HD version of The Wizard of Oz! And I didn't even get creeped out by the flying monkeys or the talking apple trees - amazing! The Wizard of Oz is one of those movies that you could watch 100 times and see something that you hadn't noticed before every time you watch it. And did you know that the tornado was made out of a nylon stocking? Weird.
I'm gonna go and eat some lunch now - I'll post more later! There's no place like home...there's no place like home...there's no place like home........................................
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Jantzen swimsuit ad
Giving a cat a bath is not fun for you or the cat!
Greetings everyone - Last night I gave one of our four cats a bath. It was very interesting. Need I say more? He was thrashing around and splashing water EVERYWHERE! And keep in mind that this is a cat who likes water. By the time I finished giving him a bath I needed one - and the bathroom needed to dry off. William (the thrasher) is a white, fluffy, 18 pounder. Lulu is a chic, black cat who is the Queen of our house ( and Queen of the neighborhood cats). Jack is black, he like guys who drive big trucks and carry tool boxes (he's in love with our next door neighbor who happens to be allergic to cats) He also loves to eat tofu, butter beans, green beans and mashed potatoes. And Moe's black and white and was dumped on our front porch when he was about 2 weeks old. We're not sure if his mom deposited him here (we have coyotes who like to roam in our neighborhood) or if someone put him there. Either way, my mom was surprised when I screamed from the front porch " Mommy! There's a kitten on our porch!!!!).
Last night after ballet my Mom took me out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. How come every time I wear shoes that can't get wet it starts pouring rain as soon as I walk out the door? I was going to wear my beautiful shoes that I got in Paris - thank god I had flip flops in the car. Oh well, I'll wear them tomorrow when I go to see a movie.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Greetings from Barcelona!
Greetings from Barcelona!
Dear Readers - I just got a call from my sister who is traveling in Barcelona! From her apartment balcony she can see the famous Gaudi cathedral ( La Sagrada Famila)! I can't wait to see her pictures! She was in London for ten days before traveling to Spain, and I wish desperately I was there. She sent us an email from London that had quite possibly the worst opening sentence you write to your family when you're 4,000 miles away from home ( "now don't freak out or anything but......). You can fill in the blanks. I was thinking it could be a tattoo or a nose ring but no, she had what she thought was the flu. We're not sure if it was the flu, but even so, that's not what you want to hear. She's all better now, but all 3 of her traveling buddies have been sick. The London weather doesn't agree with her asthma. As soon as she sends pics I'll post them. She said that everyone in Spain wears these awesome gaucho-like pants (she's gonna buy a pair!) and when you order something at a restaurant they bring you a plate full of bread covered with tomato sauce complimented with lots of different kinds of olives. My mouth was watering when she told me. She's trying to think of a way to sneak some back for my mom, my dad and me! I'll write some more after I get back from my ballet class - Adios!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Day 1 of my blogging life is going great so far. Today I spent 2 and a half hours in Target with my Mom trying to match shower curtains with towels, washcloths, rugs and accessories. It might have been frustrating to anyone else, but it was fun for me! Call me crazy, but I love to do any activity that might possibly involve color coding and Martha Stewart towels. I am a big fan of Martha Stewart. I watch her show every day and I find myself saying things like "wow, Martha would be proud..." and "hmm, I wonder what Martha would do..." The one thing that I want for my birthday if the Martha Stewart Encyclopedia of Crafts! So as you can see, picking out towels for a bathroom placed me in Martha heaven!
My first post!
Dear followers (if there are any) - I'm so excited to have my own blog. Don't expect me to post every day because this is my busiest time of year. When I do post it will probably be about vintage clothes, my cats, fashion, Paris, my life as a dancer and a homeschooler and the color pink! Yes, I admit it, I LOVE PINK! Every color pink from rosy hues to light pink blush colors. Just about everything in my room is pink including my walls, my door, my clothes, lamp shades, sheets and furniture. I was inspired to create a blog when I read Julie Powell's book "Julie and Julia". I thought that it was the perfect thing to do because I LOVE writing! So wish me luck on this journey, and I hope I shall entertain you with stories about life with cats and life in general!